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 NAMU BioChem's 
Core Technology

Biomass as Renewable Source

Biomass refers to organic matter (proteins, oils, and carbohydrates) created 'recently (with a short production cycle)' which stores solar energy (via photosynthesis). It can be divided into the first-generation, the second-generation, and the third-generation biomass. Most important characteristics of biomass are 'abundant' and 'renewable'.

To present, the first-generation biomass such as sugars or grains (corn, rice, wheat, barley, etc.), has been used as feedstock for production of fuels and chemicals, but more renewable sources of biomass, such as woody biomass (agricultural byproducts, cellulosic waste, forest products, wood wastes, energy crops, etc.), will be utilized to produce more eco-friendly and highly recyclable bio-based products.

Those carbon-neutral bio-based products produced from the second- and third-generation biomass can replace the current petrochem-based products.

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Pretreatment Technolgy of NamuBiochem

Lignocellulosic biomass is only partially (5-20%) biodegradable in nature, which is known to be caused by the physicochemical heterogeneity of biomass and the structurally high crystallinity of cellulose fibers. .

The purpose of the pretreatment is to make the cellulosic biomass work well with small amounts of the cellulase enzyme.

In other words, the rigid structure of lignocellulosic biomass can be modified through various physico-chemical pretreatment methods to enhance the enzymatic hydrolysis rate and yield, and as a result, an effective pretreatment of biomass could substantially improve the overall yield and efficiency of bioconversion (saccharification and fermentation) process.

Lignocellulosic biomass usually has only 10-20% enzymatic saccharification in its native form (without pretreatment).

According to several studies, it is considered that the main reason is because of the heterogeneous composition and structural characteristics of lignocellulosic biomass.

In addition, enzymatic hydrolysis (saccharification) is a much slower (limiting step) than that of fermentation step. If the rate and yield of enzymatic saccharification can be improved, the overall yield of the entire bioproduct production process can be improved. Plus, enzyme (cellulase and hemicellulase) costs are extremely high. Moreover, cellulose and lignin absorb the enzyme protein irreversively, then enzyme used for saccharification can not be recovered and reused. Therefore, appropriate and effective pretreatment method must be adopted for effective pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass, which can significantily reduce the amount of cellulase enzymes for satisfactory saccharification. Pretreatment step is of great importance.

For pretreatment, chemical treatment method at elevated temperature is mainly used. NamuBiochem has developed various methods by using various catalytic solvents such as alkali (NaOH, NH4OH, etc.), hot-water, acid (sulfuric acid, etc.). We have many experiences and know-how of more than 30 years in biomass research on both pretreatment and fractionation of liginin, C5 and C6 components.

In general, it is known that the effects of preprocessing are as follows.

  • Decrease of lignin, hemicellulose, and extraneous components.

  • Increase of surface area, porosity, and pore size.

  • Reduce the crystallinity of cellulose

  • Enhance the accessibility of enzyme to the cellulosic substrate


  • Lignin

  • Hemicellulose

  • Acetic acid

Physical barriers

  • Biomass crystallinity

  • Degree of polymerization

  • Particle size

  • Surface area, pore size/porosity

Separation of various biomass components.png

Biorefinery Core Technology of NamuBiochem

It is an analogous to the concept of oil-refinery to produce various products using crude oil. Biorefinery is to process the biomass as a raw material to produce the bio-based chemicals and biofuels.

In particular, lignocellulosic biomass is composed of components such as lignins, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. These components must first be fractionated and separated, and various products can be produced from each component using chemical/physical/biological conversion reactions. 

To this end, the field of separation and purification of each component can be divided into upstream biorefinery, and the field of producing intermediate/final products using the separated components can be divided into downstream biorefinery.

NamuBiochem has the world's best technology and know-how to separate various biomass into various components through physical, chemical,  biological pretreatment and turn them into basic raw materials.

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Biorefinery Core Technology of NamuBiochem

It is a concept to produce various products using biomass as a raw material, just as various products are produced through modern petroleum (fossil raw material) refinery.

In particular, lignocellulosic biomass is composed of components such as lignins, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. These components must first be separated, and various products can be produced from each component using chemical/biological conversion reactions. there is.

To this end, the field of separation and purification of each component can be divided into upstream biorefinery, and the field of producing intermediate/final products using the separated components can be divided into downstream biorefinery.

Namu Biochem has the world's best technology and know-how to separate various biomass into various components through physical, chemical,  biological pretreatment and turn them into basic raw materials.

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Biorefinery concept 01.png

​Eco-friendly film & coating materials based on biomass

Currently, coating products such as packaging materials and paper cups are in high demand in the market due to their convenient and excellent physical properties, and a large amount of waste is generated due to indiscriminate use. is causing

Namu BioChem this using preprocessing technology Biomass is delignified to make ligno-cellulose nano-cellulose (LCNC)Eco-friendly functional packaging with improved oxygen barrier based on LCNC, a next-generation biochemical material, by synthesizing LCNC-polymer material in halfWe are researching materials and coating materials and developing manufacturing technology.

We are making efforts to develop and manufacture products that are environmentally friendly and have high carbon recyclability that can replace petroleum-based plastic materials such as PE and PP that are currently being used. we makeproduct is above a certain level We will make it into an eco-friendly biomaterial with physical properties (eg water resistance, oil resistance) that can replace existing materials such as oxygen barrier and UV barrier.

Namu BioChem Inc. is developing various manufacturing processes for commercialization of bio plastic materialsWe are conducting initial research and promoting product development using basic materials (e.g., coating materials/laminating materials/forming materials, etc.).

[Figure] Biomass-based bio-nano composite film manufacturing process

Oak-to-Biofilm Process (1).jpg

Eco-friendly food and beverage products using non-edible raw materials

​Cultivating cereals requires a lot of water and time. 

Currently, major favorite foods, such as alcoholic beverages and coffee, are produced using food ingredients.

In particular, these favorite foods require a large amount of grain, so as a result, they consume a lot of water, time and effort, and cannot be called 'good food' in a world food shortage.

In addition, it requires a large amount of water and fertilizer, so it has a problem that it is a product that has a great impact on climate change due to its high carbon emissions.

Namu BioChem The technology we have to solve our food and climate change problems​ and innovative ideas using I want to make eco-friendly favorite food.

Existing taste-based beverage (1-1).jpg
Existing taste-based beverage (1-2).jpg

Eco-friendly paint based on biomass

Namu Biochem is interested in innovative and new products.

​Among interior products, new products with only the advantages of existing wallpaper and paint are biomass-basedis being developed using basic materials extracted from

​These products areIt will be a new name that cannot be called by name, and it will show that bio products are also sufficiently competitive.

Ultimately, it will be a new concept product that can protect the environment and create a healthy life for us.

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Eco-friendly biochemical material

Namu Biochem Co., striving to develop environment-friendly industrial chemical materials, basic raw materials and materials for the textile, food, environment, and cosmetics industries.

In more detail, eco-friendly building block chemicals such as nanocellulose, ethanol, lactic acid, levulinic acid, furfural, 5-HMF, etc. Enzyme reaction engineering and natural product-based material development using fermentation process​ are in progress. .

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Catalytic, enzymatic, and ​microbial conversion process

Namu Biochem Co., researching chemical-biological separation and purification technologies for renewable raw materials such as cellulose, hemicellulos, lignin, lipid, and protein, and product technologies that apply these materials as raw materials.

On the other hand, we are striving to develop high value-added brewing (beer) process technology, component analysis, and new product development.

Namu BioChem lnc.

#419 (Sa-dong), 55, Hanyangdaehak-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

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